
Featured image for “Tiny-saurs”

Do some dino-dancing, story telling and design your own prehistoric creature!

Program Length: 1 Hour

Students will use their imaginations and pretend to be prehistoric creatures, design their own colourful dinosaur and get to tour the museum. A fossil handling session ends the program as the students get to ask questions about their favorite dinosaurs.


Kindergarten: Students working together and cooperate with others.

Dimensions of Thinking: Historical thinking, students differentiate between events and activities that occurred recently and long ago.

K.21 Belonging – Values and Attitudes: The entire class participates and has to share with classmates.

Environment: The students become aware of importance of protecting the environment, to ensure the preservation of fossils.

Physical Skills: Students will practice and develop their locomotor skills with clapping and stomping during the dinosaur sing-a-long and egg hunt.
