Grades 2 – 4
$10 per student
90 minutes
Capacity: 15-80 students
Please note: minimum program fees will be charged for groups of fewer than 15 students.
Program Description: A dragonfly with up to a 71 cm wingspan! A 7-foot millipede! Students examine specimens of modern and prehistoric insects by looking at fossils and replicas through a variety of hands-on learning labs. Students learn about arthropods of the past and present, life cycles, insect environments, and evolution of prehistoric bugs to today’s bugs and insects.
Grade 2 Science: Living Systems – Offspring are the children of plants or animals Identify similarities between offspring and their parents. A life cycle shows the different stages of life that a plant or an animal goes through.
Grade 3 Science: Earth Systems – Soil provides a habitat for many animals. Habitats are environments where plants or animals establish a home.
Grade 3 Science: Living Systems – A food chain shows the order in which plants and animals depend on each other for food.
Grade 4 Science: Living Systems – Structures, including body parts, are features of organisms that serve a purpose or function. Organisms have external structures that can vary, including sensory and reproductive organs.