Grades 1-4
$10 per student
90 minutes
Capacity: 15-80 students
Please note: minimum program fees will be charged for groups of fewer than 15 students.
Program Description: Meet Sandy, Morpheau, and Iggy and learn about rock cycles and minerals during a fun presentation and interactive learning lab. Students engage in various scientific tests to determine rocks from minerals. Students get to use microscopes, prospect for pyrite and perform identification tests. This is an interactive experience that has the kids wanting to go home and test more rocks and minerals!
Grade 1 Science: Scientific Investigations – Investigation of the physical world is enhanced using scientific methods that attempt to remove human biases and increase objectivity.
Grade 2 Science: Scientific Investigations – Investigation of the physical world is enhanced using scientific methods that attempt to remove human biases and increase objectivity.
Grade 3 Science: Scientific Investigations – Investigation of the physical world is enhanced using scientific methods that attempt to remove human biases and increase objectivity.
Science: Earth and landscape changes
Grade 4 Science: Scientific Investigations – Investigation of the physical world is enhanced using scientific methods that attempt to remove human biases and increase objectivity.